Summary What if you like someone you are dating, but you are hesitant to call it a relationship? Today, I’m diving into a topic that was sparked by a conversation with one of my clients. Does not calling a relationship a relationship make things easier or take the pressure off? I don’t feel this is […]
Love Languages Have you heard of love languages? It’s a pretty popular concept that originated with a book by Gary Chapman, and it describes five ways that people innately give and receive love. Your love language says a lot about not only how you communicate in the context of dating and relationships, but also any […]
Ugh! It’s so frustrating that the guys you’re SO into seem to want to play games, but the ones you don’t like are ALL about you. Well, it’s not random. Here are three reasons it keeps turning out that way… 1 | You’re your most authentic self with the ones you don’t like There is […]
Have you ever felt like you have recurring themes in your relationships? Like you always seem to date men who keep themselves at a distance or are the jealous, clingy type? Do you have a hard time getting close to men in relationships? Or do you, yourself, often find that you need a lot of […]
I get so much inspiration from the amazing women posting about relationships in my private Facebook group, Magnetizing Love. Today’s episode digs into this juicy question: “I met this guy online. We’ve been texting for about a month and have gone on one date. Is it OK for me to turn him down when he […]
“Good men, they’re on the extinction list, or taken. Most want a nurse, or a purse, a booty call. Lots of evil liars, scammers, and users.” This is a comment on a social media post I read recently and it’s got me all fired up. Have to ever felt this way? Or had a girlfriend […]
I manifested the man of my dreams, and he’s joining me on the show today. My husband, Kobi Irom, joins me to talk about online and app dating including our story as well as giving single women a man’s perspective on a woman’s profile, chatting interactions, and more. Kobi and I met through a dating […]