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Top Love & Dating Coach
Crystal Irom Presents...

Become an energetic match for love.

In this free 3-part masterclass series, we’re going BEYOND the law of attraction to manifest love. 

How you can take advantage of this season to move closer to the loving relationship you truly desire;
The most important of the universal laws to make a quantum leap in your love life;
The must-haves in a partner who’s going to help you catapult into your next level of success — the qualities that you should be looking for that may not be as important to women who don’t understand manifestation like you will;
The secret mindset hack that will super-charge your manifesting and allow you to maintain faith no matter what. 

This series is going to be the most clear and concise explanation of how to use manifestation in love and relationships you’ve ever heard.

This is a high-level manifestation training.
I’ll also be sharing:

How I went from waiting on unavailable men and struggling to find a great man who was looking to commit, to happily married to the best man I’ve ever met in under a year;
Learn my #1 secret for becoming the most attractive version of yourself so you can energetically draw in the relationship you desire without struggling, chasing, or playing games;
The single biggest repellant of men that most women are guilty of and how to drop it immediately.

I am a love and manifestation coach for single women committed to calling in love.

I don’t believe in rules, games, or scripts. And my goal isn’t for you to “get the guy.” It’s to support you in creating a happy, healthy, loving relationship with a wonderful person you can build a life with. 

And to do it fast. 

I had my heart broken over and over again. I was stuck in unhealthy patterns chasing after “chemistry” and thinking it was love. I finally decided enough was enough — it was my time for love.

I went from single to married to the love of my life in less than 10 months. I was able to create a quantum leap in my love life because I resolved to understand how to manifest love. And that meant going beyond law of attraction. 

In this series, I’m going deep into how you can manifest the love of your life.

If you’ve been in my world at all, you already know that my trainings are no fluff. I’m a nuts and bolts kinda gal and this training will be no different. I want to equip you with the tools and information you need so that 2022 can finally be YOUR year for love.

I can’t wait to see you LIVE for our masterclasses.


Hey, gorgeous!
I'm Crystal...